Thanks for visiting WellAdvice and using my recommendations. If you don't find these standard recommendations helpful for
your needs, please email me here. There are many other great nutritional supplements and herbs still to try, particularly
if I know more about your health condition. I can also supply you with access to my online dispensary of hundreds of pharmaceutical
grade nutritional supplements.
If you would like more information or have particular questions please email me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
This website is solely financed by Dr. Horinouchi and in order to maintain it, your donations for additional email advice
or purchase of our supplements would be greatly appreciated. Please read the "PayPal for Satisfied Customers" link.
You can pay through the PayPal links or directly to me.
Dr. Keith Horinouchi DrPH, MPH, CNS, LN
Clinical Preventionist & Nutrition Specialist
Contact me above or email me by clicking here.